May 10, 2013

FREEGLOT -- intelligence and wit with delicious bite. 

Catch this blog and you'll go for a trip around history, geography, 
mid-twentieth century Europe and Freeglot's wonderful mind.  

Born and bred in the age of print, an incorrigibly gifted polyglot and reader, 
he needed encouragement (aka a push) to create this blog.
Gently but firmly we pushed. 
Now he's free to blog to his heart's content and the text is rolling off his mental press. 

Try Freeglot's riff on the Euro -- whoa! Stuff you really didn't know and it's funny!
And with a new and original take on the euro's struggle!ευρώ-евро-avro/

Or how the Dutch react to his beard.....

Travel with him and travel far.

or google 'freeglot'