May 27, 2022


George W.Bush made a Freudian slip of world proportions.

The Russian invasion of Iraq! ......oops, Ukraine.

Iraq was on his mind.

The US in Iraq, Russia in Ukraine and Syria, Russia and the US in Afghanistan, oh how do you keep all these straight?
The larger animal en-gulfs the smaller, merging messily to become a monster mistake of foreign policy.

His excuse? He's seventy-five! Aw shucks!
An excuse for this gaffe, conflating nations and invasions and time frames.

Do I fault the shucks-who-me? man who stumbled into the presidency with scant knowledge, a lot of money, a faux-Texan mouth slouch, charm and simply nothing to lose but his cheerful sobriety?

Hell yes! At 75 I make lots of mistakes, but not on the world scene of (ir)responsibility.
I forget things too, Georgie Porgie, but not vast invasions of truth.

I hope this on-camera boo-boo jolts you into sanity and you go somewhere sane. 
Recognize your colossal mistake.

It ain't dementia, old boy. It's guilt.