April 5, 2015

ABAS ESNE GLEY AZOTH and the power of WORD

This isn't an abstruse prayer or some incantation from a wizard's manual.

These are considered words by Words With Friends, my not-so-secret addiction. Except for guff (and I had the wrong definition) and perhaps oasts and one or two others, I didn't recognize the following concantenations of vowels and consonants.
There must be a handful of word maniacs out there who know these are words and who might even know some definitions. Not I, said the cat. Meanwhile, we others can merely gawk:  

odyle waur
quelea coteau ono braxy hheze
oxo utevoera tooner qanat olla
skirr coloni tophes buhl
jora sike dedal feus
guff exon cexil litten vid
edg minify dawt gooral  botel
ratite naoi euoid nide
neuk reid tical adown
ryokan frag
guyot redd thacks
deash leu jarl nipa mun elhi
panne latu sones alular sozin mem
leu jurels hao azon dorr jun upo moai
Mako dhuti resh
lustra hod edg zamias
oasts pein
exon dawen roband oidia azine
eme cains
aa nonelite
gumutis exon
veejay urodele
disme mho fano mured rya
edh torc ghaut hacek ghaut keir
tuque avion linga snath biota yetts
teud yar nurl odyl ceil pules alvine
garget terbic tigon eyra