August 16, 2011

Advice to Latvia: Swiss-style filet de perche

Lore has it that Lake Dwellers lived in huts on stilts in Lake Geneva.  And maybe the Lake Dwellers discovered the delicate little perch while cooling their toes, tired of running after chamois and rabbits.

The Swiss, especially those who hang out near lakes, which is most of them, love eating perch.
No summer is complete without filets de perche sautéed in butter, with or without lemon and wine sauce, garlic and herb sauce, champagne sauce, mushroom sauce, citrus sauce, etc., accompanied by slim, crunchy French fries.

Demand for perch far outstrips supply, so Switzerland looks elsewhere:   Latvia.
So.....if a Latvian restaurateur hasn't already done so (and I haven't yet asked my Latvian friends) she/he/they could reproduce a totally Swiss filet de perche menu using their very own beautiful fish, and then invite Swiss tourists to come on a Baltic filet de perche tour.  The Swiss have the money and the Latvians have the fish---a dream marriage.

Just a thought.  Ideas are free, business is work.

While I'm online, hello Karlis and Sophie!