March 3, 2013

Thoughts with photos

 Last year I wrote about turning 65, but this January I slinked past 66 without incident. No bells whistles or tantrums. This may explain the extended silence after the boisterous Swiss Miss blog (
Looking inward, meditating? Je recule pour mieux sauter. 
Well not really; I've been otherwise engaged (life happens).
I've missed the blogger's high, and want it back again.

Born to blog. My little mark in the sands....
Also born to procrastinate.

Born to do a lot of things, including nothing in particular, which I believe is a very human thing to be doing.

Here I am sitting in a café at high altitude finishing coffee, a snow bunny with sunglasses for cover. I pretend I'm in my thirties and on a break from the off-piste powder. My son has opportunistically taken iphone in hand and 5-megapixelled me. My face is mercifully in shadow, outglared by snow.
It is not typical of me to pose as I'm more comfortable on the other side of the lens, but here I pose.

Below, me as a dalmatian, and the whole menagerie from the running club for visually impaired---about to run in the Escalade Marmite Race in December.

 Since the last blog I've been fortunate enough to visit friends and take photos with the trusty iphone in Barcelona. Photos from the Barcelona museum where huge mummers' masks used in processionals are on display:

Big Bird
Pury with outsized characters

Window-shopping in the old town:  colors and shapes.


She was warning me not to take pix....

Hams are prepared, decorated and displayed with lights and pride

And then it's back to cats and snow....winter's long vigil.