(Know Thy Acronyms)
Minutes is a freebie newsrag in French-speaking Switzerland.
You know, good for the span of a single espresso in a stand-up café.
Or mopping up spilled water.
You know, good for the span of a single espresso in a stand-up café.
Or mopping up spilled water.
news on the fly (QNOF)
is one of those charming Swiss places, postcard pretty and dripping innocence.
cantonal bank of Fribourg (BCF) was recently distributing black purses covered in
cool-looking graffiti to new clients, no doubt to attract young first-timers, secure the bank’s future with young
Fribourgeois who would grow up to be older, practical, wage-earning Fribourgeois,
and so on.
gift with a money-theme? What
better than a purse or wallet, sprinkled with silly, innocuous symbols:
doves, bicycles, googly-eye glasses, boom-boxes, treble clefs, cartoon
characters etc.
acronym *ACAB appeared twice on the surface of the purse. Looking cool…….?
ACAB--for those who aren’t sure stands for All Cops are Bastards.
“ An anti-police acronym..... used as a slogan and written catchphrase in graffiti, tattoos, and other imagery to protest unethical police behavior”. Thank you Wikipedia.
“ An anti-police acronym..... used as a slogan and written catchphrase in graffiti, tattoos, and other imagery to protest unethical police behavior”. Thank you Wikipedia.
AHEM by BCF Ahhh, Huge,
Egregious Mistake by Banque Cantonale de Fribourg
spokesperson for the bank pleaded ignorance:
sommes vraiment désolés de cette maladresse”
une agence de communication fribourgeoise externe qui a conçu ce graphisme.”
played on the innocence of bankers?
Or something
a tad more subversive?
BCF immediately withdrew the guilty purses.
you can exchange your naughty purse for another gift (not yet specified).
But do you really think those kids are running back to the bank?
Below are two shots of the legendary annual Morat-Fribourg race -- 2018.
Several of my family members (and I) ran and walked,
and there were some fabulous runners.
The townspeople are enthusiastic, the town is utterly charming
and ACAB
(All Contenders Are Beautiful)